Vegas memories and thoughts 2003


New member
Sep 21, 2004
99.9% of all pit bosses and book workers are complete assholes...

99.87% of all people who live in vegas
are idiots and are usually assholes...

however on my last night in vegas i am proud
of myself. i told many to fck off and i got
kicked out of 3 casinos in 1 night...

it would seem that pit bosses did not like my
talk of politics and how taliban should have
targeted vegas, not new york...

i am proud for getting free drinks for an
unemployed man from cal. who got screwed by
alabama... and i gave him 5 bucks to eat...
to you sir, i wish you the best !
(i enjoy meeting unemployed people like myself)

the race and sportsbook smells like ass for a
reason ...
these folks could be the dirt of the earth...

at the barbary coast i was nearly bit by a mini-
scorpion at the book ...
it was small, but i smashed it before it could
eat my hotdogs and drink my cpt. and coke...

met a nice guy from wisconsin who bowls like me
and we got fcked up together on heinnycans ...
to you sir, i wish you a 300 game !

to the casino where i puked in an ash tray at
the blackjack table, i wish you hell ...
just clean up my puke for no tip...

to the black lady who attempted to comfort me
when i was passed out in front of the riviera,
i hope you were not a hooker ... but thanks ...

i did all this so you rx-ers do not have to !
stay home and be safe until 2005

New member
Sep 21, 2004
drlabbats did have a nice one though:

he paid the exact cab fair $8.20 to a
cabby, then the cabby threw the .20 into
the street all pissed off...

we told the cabby to get a real job and fck off !!!!!

that was beefy !
ha ha ha


New member
Sep 21, 2004
We're not all assholes in Vegas, sometimes we just get tired of stepping over drunk tourists that don't realize that most of us depend on tips for a living. Just an opinion from a working stiff in Vegas, every coin has two sides, well at least most of the time, sorry your visit sucked ass, the conventioneers can make this place hell for everyone.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
vegas is indeed a tough town,
but it will make all visitors
realize that life outside of
vegas is just beautiful !

i just could not put up with
all the legal or illegal immigrants
that the town uses as slaves...

vegas is perhaps the best example of
why we need to close are borders
and create "jobs for americans"

fixing the nafta free trade playing
field would be nice too...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Funny that an unemployed asshole bowler complains about hardworking people that have to clean up his puke, assumes black women are prostitutes, and ridicules stressed-out pit bosses that have to deal with human scum every day and night.

For all of us that frequent, work in, live in, and LOVE Las Vegas, we've got one word for you sorry, loser rednecks......RENO


New member
Jun 21, 2001
I noticed you didn't mention anything about your football wagers. This is a football forum after all.

Big Lou

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i cherish the opportunity to go to
reno and tell some of those peeps to

maybe even punch some immigrants ...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hi Lou,

illegal aliens are just that aliens.

now when the u.s. fails to enforce its
immigration, these folks getting in are aliens also.

So maybe punching aliens is a better term...

When the u.s. gives are jobs away to H-1b
and L-1 visa holders, these folks are
also aliens.

Aliens are "not wanted" creatures.

we, the earlier immigrants did not build this
country for ALIENS to work and live...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey...oleKKKmember, I think Lou was talking about the people that were here building this country even before your ship/pod/acorn landed.

Sep 21, 2004
Vegas is a complete hole of tip mon gering, undereducated individuals, whom jobs are created for just for the sole purpose of procuring tips. Ask me why someone would want to sit in a stinky bathroom at the Barbary Coast, for a dollar an hour. Hell, I walked into the bathroom; I can easily grab a paper towel. Now maybe if they wipe my ass for me, that is deserving of a dollar. Next are the immigrant cab drivers that purposely take you out of your way, then bitch and complain that they need a tip. No the fare is $8.20, you get $8.20. The aspect of tipping is a farce, are most people paid or compensated beyond a salary for simply doing a job, no. Tipping was instituted for service above and beyond the call of duty, however all you service people, simply expect a tip just for doing your job, rather than doing it beyond expectations. That is the problem. My solution is to never tip again. I am sorry people of Vegas, however you accepted a job knowing full well, what the rate of pay is, that goes for servers and bar tenders as well. It is not my job to subsidize your wage, as a result of already purchasing the overpriced product, whether it be a cab, food, or a drink.

Dr. Hockey (Labatts)

Fvck Vegas, Miami, and Purdue

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Drblacklabel...I see you and oleKKK don't get out of the trailer park too often...just how many food stamp vouchers and welfare checks do you have to cash in to catch the Greyhound to Vegas? Or did you two just hitchhike?

I'm guessing if you both hate Las Vegas so much, you also avoid Manhattan and LA and anywhere else civilized society enjoys quality nightlife and entertainment? I'm sure the bartender down at the local pub pouring your $0.25 happy hour pints can't quite figure out what to do with all the nickels and dimes and pennies you leave on the bar, but I'm sure he's got a huge piggy bank.

Oh...and those immigrants in Las Vegas you both insist on denigrating by not leaving tips...they work hard, own nice homes, have families, and make about $50,000 a year more than you two combined. So next time you take a shit and need to wipe your ass, remind yourself that someone actually gets paid to do this, and if you ever decide to look for work....well, come on back to Vegas!!!!

Sep 21, 2004
Water closet,

You have done my post justice; in no capacity do you attempt to refute anything that was said, with any validity. Simply put service type workers such as yourself, like to justify the "I did my job at a sub par level now tip me mentality". Please tell me what is your degree in, and if you had a degree you would realize that normal working people are not tipped for their work, they work for the salary given. Thus, $2.50 and hour is $2.50 an hour. Please let me reiterate I'm not stating that the immigrants don't work hard, they do, because they are more than likely illegal, and cannot get another job, so they better or they will be replaced. Please tell me what your position is in the mighty cesspool of Vegas, let me guess you have a Masters degree in blackjack dealing? On the other hand, maybe you are one of those people in the red shirts that cannot even speak English peddling porn flyers on the street.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Puckhead...I do not need to refute your ignorant stand on is a common and decent practice that has been around since before this great country was invaded by white rednecks like yourself. By the way, the word "TIP" is an acronym, I suggest that before you leave your local library (I assume you can't afford a computer at your trailer) you look up its meaning. Perhaps you will have a better understanding why it is a common gesture at restaurants and bars across the world....of course, your hangs McDonalds and Burger King excluded.

As far as what I do for a living...I guarantee I make more in a day than you bet this entire football season. I have several business interests and a real estate company based in Las Vegas, and when I go there I get comped at the nicest hotels every week because 1) I can afford to sit at a $100 table and lose 20 straight hands, and leave with a smile 2) I treat the staff, from the pit bosses, to the coctail waitress, to the bar back with courtesy and respect, and 3) I appreciate the fact that they offer me an outlet to pursue my hedonistic lifestyle and allow me to do so in grand fashion.

So my friend, the next time you save up all your pennies just so you can put off and degrade a taxi driver doing his job, know that the next person that gets in his cab might be me, and I will gladly leave him a $20 To Insure Promptness when he drops me off at Crazy Horse fact, I might just bring him in the VIP room with me.

Sep 21, 2004
Tip= something voluntarily given in return for a favor or service, as a recompense or acknowledgment. The key term here is voluntary, however the earliest mention of the term can be found The Afternoon Tea Book" a Book about the history of teatime. T I P= To Insure Promptness which was given before hand to ensure that you had good prompt service; this was the origin of tipping. Not after the fact for mediocre run of the mill service. The usage of the term also goes back to at least the 17th century, and is probably derived from the even earlier (16th Century) use of "tip" to mean a piece of advice. Simply put here is my piece of advice, do not expect a gratuity for your normal job description duties. Wow me, case in point I was talking to a dealer at the Gold Coast, dragon lady they called her, this women did not smile or speak one sentence, however her replacement was actually personable, even though she pounded the table, she went above and beyond the call of the job. Another example is the cocktail server that keeps my drink constantly filled rather than coming by every half hour. Tips need to be earned not expected. The workers of Vegas need to realize that, and as a result, maybe the tourists will be happier and more willing, however no one will partake in the blatant extortion that the service economy expects of the non-tip worker. Also for your information, yes both Burger King and McDonalds in Vegas have audacity to place tip jars at the registers, (Riveria + Mc Donalds next door to Stardust) yes I'm going to tip a worker who begins to take my order in Spanish, then I promptly respond back in Spanish, to speak English. She then begins to display an attitude as a result of my request, is this prompt cheerful service?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Tokens do fast you work at the library?

We should probably put this to bed since this is a football gambling forum..

I've been a Las Vegas regular for 20+ years and I too have seen my fair share of thankless people, both working and visiting..but mostly visiting. And I can tell by the places you gamble at ($2 tables at the Gold Coast) and eat at (McDonald's in Vegas?????) which type you are.

I just got back Wednesday night after a great stay at the Palms, where I enjoyed great food at N9ne Chop House, great drinks and beautiful women at both Skin and Ghost Bar, great fun playing blackjack, put down a couple grand on Oregon State and Boise State at the sportsbook, and to top it off a great night's sleep in an upgraded suite. I can say that from the shuttle driver for Enterprise rent-a-car, to the maid that politely asked if she could clean my room in the morning, I received excellent service...every bartender, the hostess and waiter, cocktail waitress, concierge, and taxi driver, etc. were friendly and treated me with they always do.

So you tell me...I go to Vegas four or five times a month and rarely, RARELY, have bad service, and you go once with your drunk, puking bowler friend and bitch and moan about EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING....I tend to think that the dork who orders the $4.99 Big Mac meal for dinner and thinks an $8.20 taxi ride is extortion...might be the type of asshole that makes the people who work there have a slight chip on their shoulder.

I normally would not even waste my time with people like I'm sure you have spent a lifetime hating. But both you and oleKKK (or is one just a ghost) show your true colors by calling out various different races. In my book, racism is the most disgusting and intolerable human trait...and you my friend(s) are full of it.

Please, stay away from Las ruin it for everyone else that can actually afford to be there, as well as the good people that work there (see ATL's post above). You and KKK might try the backwoods of Idaho...not to many black or hispanic people there.

I hope you hit that $5 seven team parlay this weekend. Oh...and by the peeps came off a boat just like yours, and yes, I'm white.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Labatts knows is bizness,
he has a phd afterall...
You will not win an argument with him.

To you WC BIAS, when your personal
greed wears off you will realize that
life is grand only outside of vegas...

As for all your alleged dimes, don't forget
you will most likely die with money...
Just like everyone else...

aliens should be punched and degragated
by all...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would be pissy too, if i was
a lv regular for 20 years ...

that alone explains your anger...

your such a high-roller that you sit
and read this newsgroup for fun ?
and worry about tipping the peons ?


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